巨生醫成功完成IOP疫苗佐劑細胞實驗 大幅激發T細胞免疫力 提升疫苗預防效果


EQS 新聞 via SEAPRWire.com / 2022-07-26 / 10:41 UTC+8 【巨生生醫(6827)成功完成IOP疫苗佐劑細胞實驗新聞稿】   巨生醫成功完成IOP疫苗佐劑細胞實驗 大幅激發T細胞免疫力 提升疫苗預防效果   巨生生醫股份有限公司(以下簡稱”巨生醫”,台灣櫃買中心股票代碼:68…

電動車充電產品推向國際  天寶擴大產能把握機遇


EQS 新聞 via SEAPRWire.com / 2022-07-11 / 17:45 UTC+8 電動車充電產品推向國際  天寶擴大產能把握機遇   近年新能源汽車滲透率不斷上升,縱然新冠疫情肆虐全球,地緣政治日益緊張,供應鏈受嚴重衝擊,惟行業發展依然保持強勁增長勢頭。去年,中國新能源汽車銷量按年升1.6倍至逾3…

香港虛擬資產監管加速 證監會受理火币科技子公司虛擬資產交易平台牌照申請


EQS 新聞 via SEAPRWire.com / 2022-07-11 / 14:36 UTC+8   香港虛擬資產監管加速 證監會受理火币科技子公司虛擬資產交易平台牌照申請   6月下旬,香港政府在憲報刊登《2022年打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集(修訂)條例草案》(修訂條例草案),并於7月6日提交立法會進行首讀。修…

EQS-News: CICC Initiates Sirnaomics (2257.HK) at Outperform Rating with Target Price of HKD106.00


EQS-News / 04/07/2022 / 17:56 UTC+8 CICC Initiates Sirnaomics (2257.HK) at Outperform Rating with Target Price of HKD106.00   China International Capital Corporation (CICC) initiates coverage of Sirnaomics at “Outperform” rating, with a target price of HKD106.00. CICC said, Sirnaomics is an RNA therapeutics pioneer in China. RNA therapeutics is a rapidly growing field with potential in various indications. Sirnaomics has disclosed over 15 candidates, including …

EQS-News: 51Talk releases first quarter results, announcing spin-off with listed company targeting overseas market


EQS-News / 04/07/2022 / 11:20 UTC+8 51Talk releases first quarter results, announcing spin-off with listed company targeting overseas market On 24 June 2022, 51Talk(COE.US) announced its first quarter 2022 financial results. The report indicates 51Talk has restructured its mainland and overseas business and completed operational restructuring. By spinning off its mainland business from the listed company, 51Talk will focus on developing its overseas English services for …

EQS-News: Hong Kong Ferry and Eastern District to host Sea and Street Parade Launching Ceremony


EQS-News / 04/07/2022 / 10:12 UTC+8 Hong Kong Ferry and Eastern District to host Sea and Street Parade Launching Ceremony (4 July 2022, Hong Kong) –  Hong Kong Ferry (Holdings) Company Limited (“Hong Kong Ferry” or the “Company”, which together with its subsidiaries, is referred to as the “Group”; SEHK stock code: 0050) collaborated with Home Affairs Department of the Eastern District to organize a Sea and Street …



EQS 新聞 / 2022-07-04 / 10:12 UTC+8 香港小輪東區慶回歸海陸巡遊活動 (2022年7月4日 – 香港) –  香港小輪(集團)有限公司(「香港小輪」或本「公司」,連同附屬公司,總稱本「集團」;香港聯交所股份編號:0050)與東區民政事務處於2022年6月27日…

博固泰®(特立帕肽注射液)上市申請 已經正式獲中國國家藥品監督管理局(NMPA)受理


EQS 新聞 / 2022-06-29 / 09:00 UTC+8 博固泰®(特立帕肽注射液)上市申請 已經正式獲中國國家藥品監督管理局(NMPA)受理   [2022年6月28日 – 香港]具備研發、生產及銷售的一體化生物製藥商——聯康生物科技集團有限公司(「聯康集團」或「本公司」,連同其附屬公司統稱「本集…