Lincotrade Delivers Strong Performance for FY2023 with Revenue Surging 78.0% to S$69.9 Million


SINGAPORE, Aug 30, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via – Lincotrade & Associates Holdings Limited, (“Lincotrade” or the “Company” and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”), a specialist in interior fitting-out services, is pleased to announce its full year financial results ended 30 June 2023 (“FY2023”), following the completion of the reverse takeover (“RTO”) of Fabchem China Limited on 3 August 2022. Highlights:– Excluding the …

The 15th Annual Global CSR & ESG Awards Honours 2023 Winners


DA NANG, VIETNAM, Aug 30, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via – The 15th Annual Global CSR & ESG Summit & Awards ended on a high note before a full house in Da Nang, Vietnam, on August 28. Organized at the Novotel Danang Premier Han River, this years conference was held under the theme “Driving Transformational Change Beyond Greenwashing”, and focused on inspiring participants to …

達美樂中國-达势股份(01405.HK)發佈亮丽2023中期业绩 新市場拓展與門店擴張結碩果


HONG KONG, Aug 30, 2023 – (亞太商訊 via – 據香港經濟日報報道,全國多地2023年以來積極出台促進餐飲消費的舉措,如舉辦美食節、發展夜經濟、發放消費券等,取得了顯著的成效。隨著各項政策效果逐步顯現,線上線下經濟活動不斷發力,預計餐飲行…

B20 India follow-on: Pertamina to develop Bioenergy-Based Fuels, toward Energy Independence


NEW DELHI, Aug 29, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via – Pertamina will continue to develop bioenergy-based fuels, using natural resources such as sugarcane, corn, cassava, and sorghum. “Our energy will eventually be bioenergy-based, as Indonesia has abundant resources,” said Nicke Widyawati, President Director of Indonesia’s Pertamina. Prime Minister Modi addressing the B20 Summit India 2023 on Aug 27. Since taking the B20 mantle from …

Everbright Grand China Announces 2023 Interim Results


HONG KONG, Aug 29, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via – Everbright Grand China Assets Limited (“Everbright Grand China” or the “Group”; HKEX stock code: 03699), a subsidiary of China Everbright Group, principally engaged in the businesses of property leasing, property management and the sales of properties held for sale, announced its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2023 (“Reporting Period”). During …

Dynasty Fine Wines Revenue for 2023 1H Increases by 27% to HKD$128.2 Million


HONG KONG, Aug 29, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via – Dynasty Fine Wines Group Limited (“Dynasty” or the “Group”) (Stock Code: 00828), a premier grape winemaker in China, today announced its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2023. During the period, the sales, especially in the middle-end wine products, were recovered, as a result of the normalization of consumption scenes …



HONG KONG, Aug 29, 2023 – (亞太商訊 via – 光大永年有限公司,為中國光大集團旗下物業租賃、及物業管理及銷售持作出售物業公司(「光大永年」或「集團」,香港聯交所股份代號:03699)今天公佈截至2023年6月30日止(「報告期內」)之中…

Baguio Green’s Adjusted Net Profit* in 1H2023 increased by 3.5 times


HONG KONG, Aug 29, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via – Baguio Green Group Limited (“Baguio” or the “Group”, Stock Code: 01397.HK) is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2023 (the “Period”). During the Period, revenue was approximately HK$1.11 billion, representing an increase of approximately 55.0% as compared with the same period last year, mainly due to …

Weilong announced 2023 Interim Results


HONG KONG, Aug 29, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via – Weilong Delicious Global Holdings Ltd (“Weilong” or the “Company”) (Hong Kong stock code: 9985.HK) announced its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2023 (the “Reporting Period”). As the impact of the Covid-19 gradually wanes, the consumption scenarios are constantly improving, and the consumption conditions are constantly getting better. China’s economy …



HONG KONG, Aug 29, 2023 – (亞太商訊 via – 碧瑤綠色集團有限公司(「碧瑤」或「集團」;股份編號:01397.HK)欣然宣佈截至2023年6月30日止六個月(「期內」)之未經審核之中期業績。期內,集團收益為約11.1億港元,較去年增加約…



HONG KONG, Aug 29, 2023 – (亞太商訊 via – 中國辣味休閒食品行業龍頭企業,卫龙美味全球控股有限公司(「卫龙」或「集團」,香港聯交所股票代碼:09985)公佈截至2023年6月30日止六個月(「期內」)未經審核之中期業績。 隨著新冠疫情…

SCIB Reports Q4FY2023 Financial Results with Revenue of RM33.3 Million, Gross Profit of RM6.5 Million and Highlights Growth Opportunities


KUCHING, MALAYSIA, Aug 29, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via – Industrialised building systems specialist, Sarawak Consolidated Industries Berhad (SCIB), is delighted to announced its financial results for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2023 (Q4FY2023), reflecting a positive growth trajectory across key financial metrics and strategic business segments. Ku Chong Hong, Managing Director of SCIB Revenue for the quarter reached RM33.3 million, a 27% …

EEKA Fashion Announces 2023 Interim Results, Net Profit Increased 71.57%


Revenue Outperformed with Comprehensive ESG System HONG KONG, Aug 28, 2023 – (ACN Newswire) – EEKA Fashion Holdings Limited (“EEKA Fashion” or the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”, stock code: 3709.HK) announces the unaudited results for the six months ended 30 June 2023 (the “Reporting Period”). During the Reporting Period, the Group’s revenue reached RMB3,340.90 million, representing an increase of 15.36% with a net …

Malaysian Genomics Unveils Strategic Advances in Biopharmaceuticals


PETALING JAYA, Malaysia, Aug 29, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via – Malaysian Genomics Resource Centre Berhad, a leading genomics and biopharmaceutical specialist, recorded a revenue of RM2.23 million for the 4th quarter ended 30 June 2023. This represents a decrease from RM6.33 million in the corresponding quarter of the preceding year, owing to a deliberate pivot from vaccines to cell and gene therapy products, …

New Hope Service Announces 2023 Interim Results


HONG KONG, Aug 29, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via – New Hope Service Holdings Limited (“New Hope Service” or “the Company”, stock code: 3658.HK), a rare comprehensive service enterprise with property management services, lifestyle services and commercial operational services, announced its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2023 (the “Reporting Period”). In the first half of 2023, New Hope Service adhered …

B20 India Summit: MSMEs Need Access to Funding and Technology to Accelerate Energy Transition


New Delhi, India, Aug 29, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via – The energy transition in Indonesia must involve MSMEs, which play a significant role in Indonesia’s economic growth. Thus, access to funding and technology is necessary for MSMEs to fully perform their roles as providers of community needs and job opportunities, enabling rural communities to increase their income. Oki Muraza, Senior Vice President, Research …